What is Respawn Station?


Respawn Station was created in 2021 to provide honest news, reviews, and walkthroughs for video games. Our love for video games is unencumbered by size. We love games from the biggest AAA studios to the smallest indie developers. This site will allow for us to take that love for video games and make them into articles where we discuss games we’ve played, ones we are looking forward to, and help promote smaller games so that more people can hear about the many amazing games that indie developers are putting out all the time.

The Original Respawn Station Team

  • Sri Kandula (Writer, Host)
  • Alexandria Stilley (Editor, Writer, Host)
  • Nick Sivak (Writer)
  • Austin Perkins (Writer, Host)
  • Graham Alabdulla (Writer)

CHUMBAG HQ, which Respawn Station is a part of, was founded by Sri Kandula and Alexa Stilley in 2019 to create dialogue around films we watch, games we play, and books we read. This small idea currently brings hundreds of readers a week to the site, thousands of daily views on YouTube, and the Slipstream podcast is now available on all major podcast streaming platforms. We are constantly looking to branch out into more ways to create conversations around the things we are so passionate about. Respawn Station is another outlet for us to create content more focused on games. If you would like to contact us, CLICK HERE to email us.